Health & Safety

Our Safety Commitment & Stats

2DOT is committed to delivering and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for our team. 2DOT’s program is designed to address project specific hazards associated with our work and prevent injury and illness in the workplace.

Our Safety Track Record

2DOT has a perfect track record and has demonstrated our commitment to health and safety. Each project, large or small gets a Health and Safety Plan (HASP) that is passed on to all contractors on the project – free of charge.

Health & Safety Stats.
The numbers don’t lie…

years of No recordable accidents/injuries

years of No OSHA or MSHA citations

+/- hours worked without a recordable injury/accident

+/- miles driven without a recordable injury/accident

average man hours per year

Our Safety Standards

  • Complying with applicable standards, laws and regulations
  • Designating personnel accountable for implementing health and safety programs
  • Communicating health and safety programs and practices throughout the organization
  • Allocating sufficient resources to the program
  • Mitigating potential risks through hazard identification and assessment, employee training and safe work practices
  • Implementing enforcement and accountability measures, and
  • Establishing health and safety performance standards

Request Services

Colorado Offices:

Arvada, CO

Windsor, CO

Wyoming Offices:

Laramie, WY

Saratoga, WY

TWO DOT CONSULTING | 7674 Grandview Avenue Suite 210 | Arvada CO, 80002 | 303-408-9481