Burrowing owl

Two Dot Consulting, LLC supports energy development in WY, CO, NE, UT, KS, NM, and TX. 

3 options

A Successful Approach to Relocating Burrowing Owls in Colorado

  1. Development waits until after November 1st or until it can be confirmed that the owls have left the PDOG town.
  2. Locate, mark, and monitor active owl burrows – No activity within 150-300 feet.
  3. Relocate owls to artificial burrows outside the restricted area and continue development.

Next Steps – Survey & Location

Relocation Option

  • All activities will cease if eggs or
    young are found in burrows.
  • No physical contact or possession of
    adults, young, or eggs will occur.
  • All structures will be immediately
    removed if any owls become.
  • entangled or otherwise harmed in
    any of the structures.


  • Verify no eggs or owlets present
  • Construct artificial burrows
  • Set passive displacement traps in
    existing burrows
  • Monitor artificial burrows
  • Submit report/documentation to

Request Services

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Colorado Offices:

Arvada, CO - 303.953.2255

Windsor, CO - 303.953.2255

Wyoming Offices:

Laramie, WY - 307.275.4074

Saratoga, WY - 307.275.4074

TWO DOT CONSULTING | 7674 Grandview Avenue Suite 210 | Arvada CO, 80002 | 303.953.2255